AI, Speakers

Exploring the Intersection of Retail, Tech, and Sustainability: Welcoming Kiran Gange to Martech Festival

It’s time to shine the spotlight on one of the exceptional speakers we’re fortunate to host at this year’s Martech Festival – Kiran Gange. A visionary entrepreneur, engaging speaker, and a potent catalyst in the field of Artifical Intelligence (AI) in retail, Kiran Gange brings a unique blend of professional expertise and entrepreneurial wisdom to […]


AI’s Impact on Marketing & Your Career: Concepts, Concerns, and Potentials

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the landscape of marketing, stirring up myriad questions, hopes, and alarms. As the arena becomes flooded with AI tools, knowing how to navigate this new terrain is a key indicator of one’s adaptability in the face of progress. At MarTechFest, a primary agenda is to demystify this emerging technology and

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